Performance Management Maturity Assessment (LPMM)

A Methodology for Optimizing Investment in Performance Management and Measurement

Organizations wrestle with reduced resources due to the tight economy, shrinking budgets, and increasing expenditures. Concurrently, they face increasing complexity in their business environments and demands on their ability to make decisions driven by data rather than by experience-based intuition.
Deploying performance management and measurements is a common approach to address these challenges.
The Performance Management Maturity Assessment, based on the Lumen Performance Management Maturity Model (LPMM) shows where a client is in relation to a comprehensive and fully integrated Corporate Performance Management (CPM) program. Designed to help organizations understand their relative level of performance management and measurement maturity, the LPMM assessment paves the way for improved strategy execution through better decision-making, strategy-aligned resources, and improved operational activities. The LPMM evaluates the organization’s performance management maturity examines the organization on the dimensions of: culture/leadership, process/methodology, and automation/technology. It delivers a benchmark and a Roadmap for focusing investment to optimize the delivery of higher organizational performance and results.
Consider filling out the Confidential Lumen Performance Management Maturity Assessment (No individual data will be released or presented). We will respond with your results.
Take our Performance Management Maturity Assessment now!

Where are you on the path to high performance?

Where does your company’s performance management rank?
Do you have the information you need, when you need it, to make informed decisions about the business performance?
Are your performance management measurements best-in-class?
Where can you get the best value from additional effort?

Free Offer: Take advantage of this unique opportunity — and find out in just 10 minutes with a free benchmarking assessment of your organization’s performance management.

Find out!

Take the Lumen Performance Management Maturity (LPMM) Assessment to:

  • Measure your organization’s level of performance management across the business
  • Compare your methodology/processes, organization/culture, and technology/data to best-in-class organizations
  • Receive a personalized benchmark report detailing how your performance management solution ranks against other organizations
  • Benefit from recommendations for improving the results of your reporting, planning, budgeting, and scorecarding – your Roadmap

Get your personalized results!

Take the 10-minute Lumen Performance Management Maturity Assessment here.

Your personalized benchmark results and Roadmap to Higher Performance will be emailed to you.

Contact: Mitchell Weisberg